Category Archives: Tips for Jobseekers

Accredited Gunsmithing Schools: How Did They Get Accredited?

Ever wondered how these accredited gunsmithing schools got their accreditation? When all of them seem to tell you the same thing about the high quality of education and training that they provide, you are left wondering how to pick just one. It is indeed seemingly impossible to choose just one from among the many, yet…

Phlebotomy Career Benefits You Should Know

Starting a career as a phlebotomist is quite intimidating since there are so many things that you most likely do not know about it. In order to help you get more out of this career and to see why so many turn towards this opportunity, let us consider some of the really important benefits associated…

Job Match Made In Heaven – Don’t Expect One

job match

I know a good number of people who enroll in college courses they absolutely love and expect to later gain a perfect job match. While this isn’t entirely impossible, it’s not always possible either. You might be setting yourself up for disappointment if you absolutely demand that circumstance serve you your preferred kind of employment….

Tips to Handle Tension During Interviews

These tips were requested by Jen, one of our readers. What you do the night before and hours before your scheduled job interview can help ease your tension during the interview itself. Simply put, you have to prepare for your big day. Here are a few things that you can do to help you reduce…

What to Wear When You Get the Call

In many interview scenarios, jeans and rugged pants are a no-no.

No day can be happier for applicants than when they get a call for an exam or an interview. Many applicants do not know though that the first impressions that they give recruiters help determine if they pass the first few levels of screening. Many interviewers and potential employers assign points for appearance, neatness and…

What Are Some Tips to Pass the Cisco Certification Exam?

The Cisco Certification Exam is by no means an easy assignment, and it will involve heavy concentration. When you take a Cisco exam, you are seeking certification for a particular IT skill. For example, a 200-001 certificate exam would involve learning how to implement video network devices on computers. There is no cheat sheet out…

Make Your Job Application Stand Out

First, let me show you how recruiters like me see your job applications. My team at ExeQserve and I receive hundreds of applications everyday, sometimes they even reach a thousand. In order to manage our work and our time, we need to implement methods for efficiently seeping through those bundles and bundles of job applications….

How Employers Pick the ONE Part 2: Interviews and Checks

Last week, we gave you a brief look at what you should expect when you get called for an exam. This time, we’ll take a look at what you should look forward to when you’re scheduled for an interview and what happens after that. Interviews Job interviews don’t always happen after an exam. In some…

How Employers Pick the ONE Part 1: Paper Screening and Exams

Do you ever wonder how employers pick the right persons for jobs? If you are new to the job hunting world, the days that you spend after you get the initial call from a prospective employer can be filled with anxiety. Often, anxiety can stem from wondering what will happen next. Find out how employers…

Questions You Might be Asked on an Interview

It is very important to understand that companies, employers and recruitment personnel are not all the same. There is also no set law for the kinds of valid questions that can be asked during an interview. You may therefore expect different sets of questions every time you are called for an interview in various companies….